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14 Jun 16Insular Biogeography and Population Genetics of Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium Americanum)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRoy Hill1View
14 Jun 16The Genetics of Metamorphosis: Expression Profile Across Three Life Stages in Lithobates Catesbeianus Shows the Enrichment of 29 Gene Sets Using Rotational Gene Set TestingIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAlicia Latta1View
3 Aug 23Ecological and bioenergetic components of suitable habitat for drift-feeding fishesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownTyson B. Hallbert1View
3 Aug 23Functional Roles of SCN2A Countercharge Mutations in Developmental Epileptic EncephalopathyIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSarah Brockway1View
4 Feb 16Stimulating a Microvascular Cell for Cell Therapy Applications: Pericyte Potential for Manipulating Central Nervous System VasculatureIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJamie Mayo1View
14 Jun 16Possible Roles of Cysteine Residues in the Structure and Function of Exoenzyme Y from Pseudomonas AeruginosaIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownMichael Haldorson1View
14 Jun 16Insight into the Effects of Mesothelial Cell AutoantibodiesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJohn Gilmer1View
10 Mar 15Static Weight Distribution on Dry Land and Gait Characteristics and Heart Rate Response of Healthy Dogs During Partial-Water Immersion on a TreadmillIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKatrina Davis1View
10 Mar 15Fibroblast Growth Factor Diversity in the Developing Bat LimbIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKatrina Hofstetter1View
14 Sep 15Multiple Stressors and Multiple Invaders in Linked Stream-Riparian Ecosystems: Combined Research and Pedagogy ContributionsIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKaleb Heinrich1View
5 Mar 15Characterization of the Stochastic Relationship of Poecilochirus (Mites) to Nicrophorus (Beetles) Using Stable Isotope AnalysisIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownBecky O'Neill1View
14 Sep 15Fungal Ecology of Whitebark Pine Phyllospheres in the Southern CascadesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownEhren Moler1View
14 Sep 15Isolation and Characterization of Immunoreactive Components of Blastomyces Dermatitidis Yeast Lysate AntigensIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJoshua Wright1View
14 Sep 15Genome Characterization of Novel Bacillus Cereus-Group Infecting BacteriophagesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownCheng-Han Chung1View
12 Dec 22Nesting Ecology of Trumpeter SwansIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownPaige C. Miller1View
9 Dec 22Diel foraging behavior and competitive interactions between wild young-of-the-year cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRyan S. Whitworth1View
12 Dec 22Seasonal variation in habitat quality for redband trout in desert and montane streams: Energetic implications for population persistence under current and projected changesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAnna M. Ringelman1View
5 Oct 21Effects of host environmental factors on pneumococcal UDP-glucose dehydrogenase activityIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownDaniel L. Jackcon1View
10 Jul 15The Potential Association of Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals at Low Concentrations with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownGaurav Kaushik1View
14 Sep 15Network Interaction in the Thermoacidophile Alicyclobacillus Acidocaldarius in Response to Different Complex Carbon SourcesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownBrady Lee1View
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Version | beta | 6 April 2016

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