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9 Mar 15Commodity Specificity and Priming Effects on Discounting for Sexual and Monetary RewardsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownFrederick Schoepflin1View
6 Oct 21The role of parental support of autonomy and youth self-regulation in predicting substance use in adolescentsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathryn A. Lachance1View
5 Oct 21Associations among Maternal Trauma History, Postnatal Maternal Sensitivity, and Infant TemperamentIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJennifer L. Hambleton1View
5 Oct 21Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience: The Mediating and Moderating Role of SleepIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownMadisen J. Hillebrant-Openshaw1View
8 May 20Whiteness in Higher Education: Using Autoethnography to Develop Critical Race Cognizant LeadershipIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownHallie K. Star1View
5 Mar 15Distress Tolerance, Social Anxiety, and Drinking Consequences in a College Student SampleIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownCatherine Williams1View
14 Sep 15Relationship Between Immune Factors and CNS Penetrative Effectiveness of HAART on Cognition and Non-Verbal Processes in an HIV Positive SampleIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownNickolas Dasher1View
8 May 20WCC Theory, Change Blindness,and Facial Processing in Adolescents Diagnosed with ASDIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKarolina Štětinová1View
11 Oct 21The Relationship Between Current and Ideal Therapist Personality Matching and Collaboration, the Relational Bond, and Satisfaction in PsychotherapyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathrane Roth1View
5 Oct 21Psychosocial Competencies Among Clinic-Referredand Community-BasedChildren: Known-GroupsValidity of the Psychosocial Strengths Inventory for Children and AdolescentsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownAlyssa M. Korell1View
11 Oct 21Developmentand Validationof a Probability Discounting Task of Communication for Adults Who StutterIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownLous R. Rodriguez1View
5 Oct 21Therapist Competence in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:Novel Assessment and Improvements in the Context of Community-Based Learning CollaborativesIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownMegan Bird1View
5 Oct 21An Examination of Mental Health, ACEs, and Service Referralsas Predictors of Recidivism in Detained YouthIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownmakenzie Atwood1View
16 Apr 20Maternal Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index, Prenatal Sugar Consumption, Gestational Weight Gain, and Postpartum Mental HealthIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownLucinda L. Scott1View
14 Sep 15The Relationship of Peer Factors in the Expression of Problematic AbsenteeismIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownElizabeth Craun1View
14 Sep 15Effects of Mindful Eating on Delay Discounting in Obese and Healthy-Weight Adolescents and AdultsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKelsie Hendrickson1View
14 Sep 15Jealousy Through the Lens of the Self-Expansion Model: IOS Discrepancy and the Experience of JealousyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJabeene Bhimji1View
28 Jul 20An Empirical Test of LDS Clients’ Preferences for Religious Self-Disclosure by TherapistsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJulie Spencer1View
28 Jul 20Examining Normativity of Personality Ratings and Executive Function as Mechanisms in the Relationship between Gratitude and Subjective Well-BeingIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDouglas F. Cruthirds1View
21 May 20Understanding the relations among adverse childhood experiences (ACE), substance use, and reoffending among juvenile offendersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownShelby Weber1View
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