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14 Jun 16Nitrogen Fixation by Biological Soil Crusts and Their Communities: Climatic and Grazing ControlsIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownStacy Schwabedissen1View
14 Jun 16Terrestrial Biome and Seasonal Effects on the Abundance of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in the Lower AtmosphereIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownMiranda Striluk1View
14 Jun 16Insight into the Effects of Mesothelial Cell AutoantibodiesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJohn Gilmer1View
10 Mar 15Environmental Variation, not Risk of Predation, Drives the Spatial Ecology of Sierra Nevada Bighorn SheepIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJeff Villepique1View
14 Jun 16The Genetics of Metamorphosis: Expression Profile Across Three Life Stages in Lithobates Catesbeianus Shows the Enrichment of 29 Gene Sets Using Rotational Gene Set TestingIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAlicia Latta1View
9 Dec 22Diel foraging behavior and competitive interactions between wild young-of-the-year cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRyan S. Whitworth1View
12 Dec 22Nesting Ecology of Trumpeter SwansIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownPaige C. Miller1View
11 Jul 23The Role of Harvester Ants in Post-Fire Sagebrush Steppe Recovery Through Trophic Interactions and Ecosystem EngineeringIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownCamdon Kay1View
13 Jul 15Bacterial Population Differences in Mus Musculus Cecum in Response to Probiotic AdministrationIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownLeasha Christensen1View
13 Jul 15A Digital Flora of Southeastern IdahoIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAshelee Rasmussen1View
3 Aug 23Functional Roles of SCN2A Countercharge Mutations in Developmental Epileptic EncephalopathyIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSarah Brockway1View
4 Feb 16The Cell Regulatory Systems Affected by Asbestos Induced Mesothelial Cell AutoantibodiesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRobert Hanson1View
3 Aug 23Ecological and bioenergetic components of suitable habitat for drift-feeding fishesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownTyson B. Hallbert1View
13 Jul 15Investigating the Involvement of Eukaryotic Host Factors in the Translocation of the Tetanus ToxinIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownCassie Thibeault1View
4 Feb 16The Effects of Estradiol and Progesterone on Uterine Glycogen Metabolism in the American Mink (Neovison Vison)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKole Bowman1View
14 Sep 15Genome Characterization of Novel Bacillus Cereus-Group Infecting BacteriophagesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownCheng-Han Chung1View
31 May 23Becoming a Biologist: Exploring how undergraduate biology majors shape their biology identity through authentic participation in critiquing primary literatureIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownGabrielle Jablonski1View
14 Sep 15Fungal Ecology of Whitebark Pine Phyllospheres in the Southern CascadesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownEhren Moler1View
13 Jul 15Physiological and Structural Responses of Low Sagebrush (Artemisia Arbuscula) to Warming and Snowpack Removal in a Montane MeadowIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownLindsay Curran1View
13 Jul 15How Do Long-Term Changes in Precipitation Seasonality Affect Dryland Carbon Dynamics? Evidence From a 21-Year Manipulative Climate-Change ExperimentIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKathryn McAbee1View
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