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14 Jun 16Nuclear Fuel Compact Matrix Material CharacterizationIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownRobert Steele1View
13 Jul 15Demonstrating That an Open Loop System Could be Implemented in a Fast ReactorIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMohamed Benzerga1View
11 Jul 23Assessment of Thermal Cycling of Ultra-High-Performance ConcreteIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMichael E. Benson1View
31 Jan 18INVESTIGATING URANIUM CONCENTRATIONS, ISOTOPIC RATIOS, AND ACTIVITY RATIOS IN GROUNDWATER IN THE STATE OF IDAHOIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownLevan Tkavadze1View
6 Mar 15Analysis of Worker Consequences from a Potential Accidental Release of Special Nuclear Material from a Recently Commissioned Glovebox at Idaho State UniversityIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownDerick Tormohlen1View
15 Feb 19Functional Expansions Methods: Optimizations, Characterizations, and Multiphysics Practices Generalized Data Representation and Transfer Solutions in Multiphysics Simulations through the Characterization and Advancement of Functional Expansion ImplementationsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrycen L. Wendt1View
20 Dec 19Determination, Development, and Validation of a Fluid Height AnalysisMethod and Particle Spacing Protocol for the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Code NeutrinoIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownEmerald D. Ryan1View
3 Aug 20PLUTONIUM-239 SYSTEMIC BIOKINETIC MODEL FOR RATSIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownRobert T. Etnire1View
12 Dec 19Idaho State University AGN-201 Reactor Power CalibrationCadmium RatioImprovement Using Monte CarloMethodsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownTrevor R. Boaz1View
14 Jun 16The Use of Flooding Fragility Curves in Nuclear Power Plant Risk AnalysisIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownDavid Kamerman1View
14 Jun 16Determining the Effectiveness of a Bonner Sphere Extension for Low-Energy NeutronsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownDaniel Isaacs1View
14 Jun 16Quality of Aqueous Chemically Grown Zinc Oxide for Radiation Detection ApplicationsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownAustin Tam1View
11 Oct 21Development of a Sample Preparation Technique for Determining the Tensile Strength ofSelect Layers and Layer Interfaces of TRISO ParticlesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownTanner Mauseth1View
24 Mar 15The Study of the Effects of 50 Nanometer Gold Particles on Mouse Macrophage and Spleen CellsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMicah Kingston1View
13 Jul 15The Role of Technologists in Computed Tomography Patient Dose OptimizationIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownThaddeus Morris1View
6 Jul 18Neutron Beam Characterization at the Neutron Radiography Reactor at the Idaho National LaboratoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownSam H. Giegel1View
6 Sep 18Performance Improvements to the Portal Evaluation Tank, Characterization and Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Component Flooding TestsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownAntonio Tahhan1View
4 Feb 16The Construction and Characterization of a Large Volume Wilson Cloud Chamber Utilizing Orthogonal Cameras for Image CaptureIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownCody Womack1View
9 Mar 15SAAM II Predictions based on ICRP 78 Systemic Model coupled to NCRP 156 Wound Model for PlutoniumIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownFatima Khokonova1View
14 Sep 15Development of an Automated Testing and Calibration Software Package for the NIFFTE TPC ProjectIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrycen L. Wendt1View
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