Distribution System State Estimation(DSSE)is a significant component for reliable and optimal performance of a Distribution Management System (DMS).Manybuses with limitedavailablemeasurementsand highlyunbalanced loads that makesthe estimation a very challenging taskin DMS.Accuracy, observability,presentationand speedconstraintsstill bringDSSE to a top research priority. This thesis research proposestwounbalanceddistribution state estimation methods; one based on the Weighted Least Squares (WLS),and the other one isbased onload calibrationmethodthat usesbackward/forwardalgorithm to estimate the system with limitedmeasurements. In addition, a universal line modeling database is built that asks for the datainputto model the line parametermatriceswhich can be used for all distribution networks. Proposed methods are simulated for IEEE 13 and37 busfeedernetwork systems in MATLAB platform. Key Words: Distribution System State Estimation, Weighted Least Squares, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Load CorrectionMethod, Backward/Forward Sweep Power Flow. |