Personality judgment accuracy and physical fitness have both been linked to aspects of psychological well-being and cognitive functioning (Letzring, 2015; Cheng, 2014; Christiansen et al., 2005; Ratey & Hagerman, 2008), but personality judgment accuracy and physical fitness have not been examined together. This research explored potential relationships between these factors. Participants completed an objective measure of physical fitness and a series of self-report assessments and tests to evaluate psychological well-being, cognitive functioning, and perceived physical activity. Participants watched videos of target individuals and filled out other-report measures to judge personality traits. Findings indicated that certain aspects of psychological well-being and cognitive functioning were predictive of physical fitness, but not perceived physical activity. Psychological well-being moderated normative accuracy, while cognitive functioning moderated distinctive accuracy. Finally, psychological well-being and cognitive functioning did not mediate the relationships between either physical fitness or perceived physical activity and either type of accuracy.
Key Words: personality judgment accuracy, psychological well-being, cognitive functioning, physical fitness |