Classroom technology has become an integral part of the life of students in the 21st century. Students get to be active learners when interactive technologies are utilized in the classroom. The purpose of this research was to expand current research and perform quantitative analysis on student response system use considering relevant measures of the factors including participation and attendance whether they have significant impact on learner’s performance based on final course grades, controlling for age, gender, state residency, and admission index. Student academic performance as measured by final grades, was compared between the experimental and control groups. Overall findings show there was a significant difference between students whoused student response system and students who did not use student response system. A series of regression analyses was conducted, and six models of regression analyses were employed. In particular, the results revealed there was statistically significant difference in final grades controlling for student response system, admission index, gender, residency, and participation. While gender, favoring female students was the highest predictor for four regression models, students who participated indicated with1 z-score unit increase in student’s participation score would boost their final grades by 1.3 percent.Key Words: student response system (SRS), student participation, student academic performance |