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11 May 20Degradation of Melanosomes in Human HairIdaho State University Science & Engineering ChemistryUnknownUnknownCamie Parsons1View
11 May 20The Session-by-Session Association Between Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures and Outcomes in Outpatient PsychotherapyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownElizabeth A. Penix1View
11 May 20Assessment of Curricular Relevance in Pre-Nursing and Nursing Microbiology EducationIdaho State University Health Professions Medical Laboratory ScienceUnknownUnknownRandie Vanorden1View
11 May 20Engaging Dialogues: An Analysis of the Structure and Content of Coleridge’s Early Conversation PoemsIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownBrittany Wessel1View
8 May 20A Precast Pier System for Accelerated Bridge Construction in Seismic ZonesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownCorey Marshall1View
8 May 20University Presidential Transitions:Importance of Leadership and Culture ChangeIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathryn Ludwig1View
8 May 20POPULATION ESTABLISHMENT OF COLUMBIAN SHARP TAILED GROUSE THROUGH TRANSLOCATIONIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSteven R. Mathews1View
8 May 20GPS-Guided Autonomous Robot with Obstacle Avoidance and Path OptimizationIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownRyan Moeller1View
8 May 20Queen Bees are Stinging Mad: The Development of LGBTQ Identity and Community inthe United States, 1890-1969Idaho State University Arts & Letters HistoryUnknownUnknownDavid Peterson1View
8 May 20Whiteness in Higher Education: Using Autoethnography to Develop Critical Race Cognizant LeadershipIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownHallie K. Star1View
8 May 20WCC Theory, Change Blindness,and Facial Processing in Adolescents Diagnosed with ASDIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKarolina Štětinová1View
8 May 20Farmers’ Perceptions of the Health Risks of RoundupIdaho State University Arts & Letters SociologyUnknownUnknownKaren Stoddard1View
8 May 20The Mental and Emotional Experiences of Probation and Parole Officers Supervising Sex OffendersIdaho State University Arts & Letters SociologyUnknownUnknownErida A. Stookey1View
8 May 20Effects of a Brief Psychotherapy Commercial on Attitudes and Referral Likelihood in Healthcare ProvidersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownWilson T. Trusty1View
8 May 20Stream drying controls in semi-arid headwater streams: baseflow, topographic metrics, and diel cyclesIdaho State University Science & Engineering GeologyUnknownUnknownSara R. Warix1View
4 May 20Assessing Nuclear Power Plant Component Fragility in Flooding Events Using Bayesian Regression Modeling with Explanatory VariablesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownAlison Wells1View
20 Apr 20Intermanual Transfer of Motor Skills using Action Observationin a Virtual Reality EnvironmentIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownNancy Devine1View
20 Apr 20Maladaptive Nest Site Selection and Reduced Nest Survival in Female Sage-Grouse Following WildfireIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownIan F. Dudley1View
20 Apr 20Manganese & Zinc: Regulators of capsule biosynthesis inStreptococcus pneumoniaeIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAveri L. McFarland1View
16 Apr 20Assessing Correlations Between Cortisol and Symptoms of Depressionin Idaho Resident FreshmenIdaho State University Health Professions Medical Laboratory ScienceUnknownUnknownEmily Baergen1View
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