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28 Feb 24Sizing Exoskeleton and Prosthetic devices using Augmented Reality: Implementation PerspectivesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownMichael Crump1View
28 Feb 24Interpersonal violence, emotion regulation, and trauma coping self-efficacy as predictors of substance use and risk engagement among women in jailIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownShelby Weber1View
28 Feb 24Web2 Capital: American Media and Culture in the 2010sIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownDaniel Gillespie1View
28 Feb 24Growing Pains: Amenity Migration and Farmer/Rancher Subjective Well-being, A Case Study in Teton ValleyIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownMelissa Taysom1View
28 Feb 24How are the Power Elites Being Used by the Buddhist Leadership to Eradicate the Rohingya in Myanmar?Idaho State University Arts & Letters Political ScienceUnknownUnknownJeneane Sorensen1View
3 Aug 23Research Gaps in Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs: A Qualitative StudyIdaho State University Health Professions Communication SciencesUnknownUnknownMicaela Wilson1View
3 Aug 23Diaspora Within a Diaspora; Ethiopian Jews and Racial Prejudice in the State of IsraelIdaho State University Arts & Letters HistoryUnknownUnknownMoriah Gregersen1View
3 Aug 23Self-efficacy in Parents and their Children with Dyslexia: A Survey StudyIdaho State University Health Professions Communication SciencesUnknownUnknownVirginia Rainsdon1View
3 Aug 23Growing Our Languages: An Indigenous Language Curriculum Development Guide for Shoshoni Language Teachers and Other Indigenous Language Teachers & PlannersIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownBailey J. Dann1View
3 Aug 23Ecological and bioenergetic components of suitable habitat for drift-feeding fishesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownTyson B. Hallbert1View
3 Aug 23Functional Roles of SCN2A Countercharge Mutations in Developmental Epileptic EncephalopathyIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSarah Brockway1View
3 Aug 23Extending KeystrokeExplorer for Visualization of Diverse Student Coding Strategies via Temporal Abstract Syntax TreesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Computer ScienceUnknownUnknownDelaney Moore1View
3 Aug 23Photovoice and Time Stories Reveal Desirable Coexistence Futures with Grizzly Bears in Southwest MontanaIdaho State University Arts & Letters SociologyUnknownUnknownMarley Held1View
3 Aug 23Feeling “As No One Save a Woman Can”: Representations of Female Emotional Labor in Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, and GaskellIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownLanette M. Carter1View
6 Feb 24Knowledge and Perceptions of Dyslexia in Pre-service Educators in the Mountain West: A Survey StudyIdaho State University Health Professions Communication SciencesUnknownUnknownIsabella Beard1View
6 Feb 24The Demanding Nature of Advocating for Dyslexia Services: A Survey StudyIdaho State University Health Professions Communication SciencesUnknownUnknownCatherine Day1View
6 Feb 24The Rhetoric Surrounding Wolves n Five North American ComicIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownBrianna V. Lords1View
6 Feb 24Taiwan K-12 Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Mental Health Counseling and PsychotherapyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownAilun Li1View
6 Feb 24Measuring the Power of Non-State Actors against State Power: Presenting a New Non-State Actor and Nation-State Power IndexIdaho State University Arts & Letters Political ScienceUnknownUnknownMisty D. Clover Prigent1View
24 Oct 23The Effects of Symbol Format and Symbol Location on Identification AccuracyIdaho State University Health Professions Communication SciencesUnknownUnknownHaley L. Jenkins1View
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