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10 Mar 15Shoshoni Oral Narratives - Impacts of Narrative for Cultural Preservation and Language LearningIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownKaree Garvin1View
31 Mar 15Oral Health Outcomes Following a Pediatric Preventive Oral Health Pilot in MontanaIdaho State University Health Professions Dental HygieneUnknownUnknownTonette Hollingsworth1View
31 Mar 15Process Informed Safeguards Approach for a Pyroprocessing FacilityIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownTony Riley1View
31 Mar 15Materials Acceptance Risk Analysis: Pavement MarkingsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownSwarup Dongare1View
31 Mar 15Recycled Asphalt Pavement as Coarse Aggregate Replacement in High Strength Portland Cement Concrete MixesIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownTara Capson1View
31 Mar 15Presence of Antibodies to Shiga Toxin in Random Population in IdahoIdaho State University Health Professions Clinical Laboratory ScienceUnknownUnknownXueting Li1View
10 Jul 15Exploring the Effectiveness of an E-Learning Module for Graduate Level Occupational Therapy StudentsIdaho State University Education Educational LeadershipUnknownUnknownBryan Gee1View
10 Jul 15IQYAX: A Case Study Investigation of the Traditional Unangan Sea Kayak Model Course on Self-Esteem of Five Adolescent StudentsIdaho State University Education Educational LeadershipUnknownUnknownMichael Livingston1View
31 Mar 15Workspace Synthesis for Articulated Systems with Application to Exoskeleton DesignIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownYimesker Yihun1View
10 Jul 15The Effect of an Online Minute Paper and Instructor Response on Student Learning Motivation in a Flipped Blended Nutrition CourseIdaho State University Education Educational LeadershipUnknownUnknownKathleen Cook1View
24 Mar 15Barriers to Movement and Habitat Availability Influence Genetic Variation in Populations of Westslope Cutthroat TroutIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSammy Matsaw1View
24 Mar 15Examining the Multimedia Redundancy Effect Among Pre-Service Teachers: Assessing Pedagogical Usability of MaterialIdaho State University Education Educational LeadershipUnknownUnknownSang Chan1View
24 Mar 15A Measurement of the Positron Production Efficiency Using a Quadrupole Triplet System for a Potential Positron Source at Jefferson LabIdaho State University Science & Engineering PhysicsUnknownUnknownSadiq Setiniyaz1View
24 Mar 15The Slam Community: Training Grounds of Oral PoetryIdaho State University Arts & Letters TheatreUnknownUnknownSam Hansen1View
24 Mar 15The Ecological Importance of Subsidies From Salmon to Stream-Riparian Ecosystems: An Experimental Test and Implications for Approaches to Nutrient MitigationIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownScott Collins1View
31 Mar 15Non-Enzymatic Glycation: Investigation into the Initial Non-Covalent Binding of Monosaccharides to Intra- and Extracellular ProteinsIdaho State University Pharmacy Biomedical & PharmaceuticalUnknownUnknownShelley Clark1View
31 Mar 15Reading the Rows: A Working Meditation on Agriculture, Nature, and LiteratureIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownSteven Hall1View
24 Mar 15Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Continental Biodiversity: A Gastropod Case Study from the Upper Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation, Southern UtahIdaho State University Science & Engineering GeologyUnknownUnknownRichard S. Kelly1View
24 Mar 15Lightgauge: Production of Photonic Sensor Devices on Nuclear MaterialsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownScott McBeath1View
13 Jul 15Educational Reforms in Pennsylvania: Momentum and Stagnation in the Keystone State, 1890-1900Idaho State University Arts & Letters HistoryUnknownUnknownJoshua Eppley1View
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