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11 May 20Engaging Dialogues: An Analysis of the Structure and Content of Coleridge’s Early Conversation PoemsIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownBrittany Wessel1View
16 Apr 20What Vernacular Narratives Teach Us About Trauma: An Analysis of Teton Dam Flood NarrativesIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownSuzette Gee1View
21 Mar 23The Realms of John Murray II: A Publisher’s Influence bIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownVictoria Davis1View
21 May 20Mad Kings and Caged Sovereigns: Paradoxes of Power in the Rhetoric of Eight Songs for a Mad King and President Donald J. TrumpIdaho State University Arts & Letters English & PhilosophyUnknownUnknownKristen Wheaton1View
6 Sep 18Analyzing the strength of different mixtures of prehistoric pine pitch glue.Idaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownDaniel M. Parker1View
6 Sep 18Molecular Bioarchaeological Approaches for Identifying Diet and Diagenetic Alteration in a Latte Period Assemblage from Saipan, Northern Mariana IslandsIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownOlivia Franklin1View
24 Mar 15Identifying Deception Cues in Nonverbal CommunicationIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownMichael Ballard1View
14 Sep 15Modeling Human Locational Behavior in Montane Southeast IdahoIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownMaegan Tracy1View
3 Aug 23Growing Our Languages: An Indigenous Language Curriculum Development Guide for Shoshoni Language Teachers and Other Indigenous Language Teachers & PlannersIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownBailey J. Dann1View
10 Dec 19InterrelationshipsandImplicationsofSubsistencevs.SportStewardshipofSalmonintheAleutiansEastBoroughRegionoftheAlaskaPeninsula:AcomparisonofethosintraditionalandrecreationaluseIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownJaime Campbell-Lavallee1View
14 Jun 16Quantifying Thoracic Skeletal TraumaIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownCortney Hulse1View
28 Apr 23Dental Pathology and Morphology of the Pre-Contact Chamorro, GuamIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownKellie R. Cayer1View
14 Jun 16Niche Construction and Boating Innovation on the Alaska Peninsula and in the AleutiansIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownZane Beal1View
26 May 23Applied Sociology Thesis: Integrating Knowledge Co-production into Non-profit Program DevelopmentIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownJessica Reynolds1View
12 Sep 19Describing Psychotherapy: Utilizing Regulatory Focus Theory to Influence Help-Seeking Attitudes and BehaviorIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownJake Park1View
10 Dec 19Entanglement of Media Ecology and Political Ecology: Social Media, Discourse, and Democracy in the post-Trump EraIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownSamantha Chaffin1View
27 Jul 18Fashioning the Russians from 1900 to 1925: The Autocracy, The Ballet, & the ÉmigréIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownBrooklyn Wichmann1View
26 May 23Soul-Making: Nineteenth Century Spirituality, Self-Development, and Identity in Keats, Brontë, and WildeIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownAndie Marks1View
3 Aug 23Women's subjective well-being in Chile’s coastal communitiesIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownJillian Everly1View
26 May 23APPLIED GIS TO MODEL OBSIDIAN DISTRIBUTION ON THE SNAKE RIVER PLAINIdaho State University Arts & Letters AnthropologyUnknownUnknownTalissa D. Cota1View
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