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5 Mar 21Processing Speed and Adolescent Operation Span PerformanceIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJoshua R. Harrison1View
27 Apr 23Meta-Prospective Memory Accuracy in Healthy Older Adults Compared to Older Adultswith Suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment (sMCI)Idaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownBecca N. Huber1View
8 May 20University Presidential Transitions:Importance of Leadership and Culture ChangeIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathryn Ludwig1View
8 Mar 21Sleep and suicidality: an examination of theoretical cognitive mechanismsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownStephanie McManimen1View
28 Jul 20Examining Normativity of Personality Ratings and Executive Function as Mechanisms in the Relationship between Gratitude and Subjective Well-BeingIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDouglas F. Cruthirds1View
9 Dec 22Relationships Between Sexual Health Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Trauma on SexualRisk-Taking Among WomenIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDanielle C. Richner1View
5 Oct 21Associations among Maternal Trauma History, Postnatal Maternal Sensitivity, and Infant TemperamentIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJennifer L. Hambleton1View
9 Jun 21Treatment Effectiveness for PTSD Among Veterans with Moral InjuryIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownBrian J. Livesay1View
6 Oct 21The role of parental support of autonomy and youth self-regulation in predicting substance use in adolescentsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathryn A. Lachance1View
5 Oct 21Therapist Competence in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:Novel Assessment and Improvements in the Context of Community-Based Learning CollaborativesIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownMegan Bird1View
22 Dec 20Maternal Trauma, Markers of HPA Axis Dysregulation, Prenatal Depression, and BreastfeedingIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownLillian L. Bengtson1View
8 Dec 22Hindlimb Stepping in Response to Treadmill Speed in Neonatal Spinal-Transected RatsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownAimee L. Bozeman1View
5 Oct 21Psychosocial Competencies Among Clinic-Referredand Community-BasedChildren: Known-GroupsValidity of the Psychosocial Strengths Inventory for Children and AdolescentsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownAlyssa M. Korell1View
11 Oct 21Religiosity/Spirituality of Psychotherapists and Its Relationship to Evaluations of Religious/Spiritual ClientsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownRhett H. Mullins1View
15 Sep 15Judging Personal Values and Personality Traits: Accuracy and Its Relation to VisibilityIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJennifer McDonald1View
8 May 20Effects of a Brief Psychotherapy Commercial on Attitudes and Referral Likelihood in Healthcare ProvidersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownWilson T. Trusty1View
17 Dec 21Self-discrepancy as a transdiagnostic factor related to fear-and distress-based disordersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJabeene Bhimji1View
20 Apr 20Intermanual Transfer of Motor Skills using Action Observationin a Virtual Reality EnvironmentIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownNancy Devine1View
6 Sep 18Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Violent Behavior: A New Look Through A Sociological LensIdaho State University Arts & Letters SociologyUnknownUnknownDaniel P. Moody1View
8 May 20Farmers’ Perceptions of the Health Risks of RoundupIdaho State University Arts & Letters SociologyUnknownUnknownKaren Stoddard1View
2008 - 2016 Informatics Research Institute (IRI)
Version | beta | 6 April 2016

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