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12 Sep 19Describing Psychotherapy: Utilizing Regulatory Focus Theory to Influence Help-Seeking Attitudes and BehaviorIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownJake Park1View
26 May 23Applied Sociology Thesis: Integrating Knowledge Co-production into Non-profit Program DevelopmentIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownJessica Reynolds1View
27 Jul 18Fashioning the Russians from 1900 to 1925: The Autocracy, The Ballet, & the ÉmigréIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownBrooklyn Wichmann1View
10 Dec 19Entanglement of Media Ecology and Political Ecology: Social Media, Discourse, and Democracy in the post-Trump EraIdaho State University Arts & LettersUnknownUnknownSamantha Chaffin1View
2008 - 2016 Informatics Research Institute (IRI)
Version | beta | 6 April 2016

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