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11 Jul 23The Role of Harvester Ants in Post-Fire Sagebrush Steppe Recovery Through Trophic Interactions and Ecosystem EngineeringIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownCamdon Kay1View
10 Mar 15Fibroblast Growth Factor Diversity in the Developing Bat LimbIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownKatrina Hofstetter1View
31 May 23Becoming a Biologist: Exploring how undergraduate biology majors shape their biology identity through authentic participation in critiquing primary literatureIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownGabrielle Jablonski1View
14 Sep 15Isolation and Characterization of Immunoreactive Components of Blastomyces Dermatitidis Yeast Lysate AntigensIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJoshua Wright1View
8 Dec 22Welcome to Pocatello: Urban forests, biogeochemical cycling,and water quality within a local contextIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownSophie K. Hill1View
9 Dec 22Diel foraging behavior and competitive interactions between wild young-of-the-year cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)Idaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRyan S. Whitworth1View
2 Feb 18COGNITIVE STRATEGY USE REVEALS NEURAL EFFICIENCY ON A WORKING MEMORY TASKIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownAriana Tart-Zelvin1View
8 Jun 21Estimating HistoricalSockeyeSalmonAbundanceUsingStableIsotopesandNitrogenBudgetsofCentralIdaho LakesIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownRachel Brinkley1View
10 Mar 15Environmental Variation, not Risk of Predation, Drives the Spatial Ecology of Sierra Nevada Bighorn SheepIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownJeff Villepique1View
2 Feb 18OF FIRE, FOOD, AND FISH: FISH PRODUCTIVITY RESPONSES TO WILDFIREIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownMatthew V. Schenk1View
12 Dec 19EMERGENCE PHENOLOGY OF THE GIANT SALMONFLY AND RESPONSES BY BIRDS IN IDAHO RIVER NETWORKSIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownMcKenna M. Adams1View
16 Apr 20Neuroanatomy of Individual Finger Control in the American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianusIdaho State University Science & Engineering BiologyUnknownUnknownBecca K. Harris1View
11 Jul 23An Innovative Double Beam Coupling Beam Incorporating Low-Damage Seismic TechnologyIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownKathryn Hogarth1View
6 Sep 18Physical and Numerical Modeling of a Wave Impact Simulation Device (WISD)Idaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownRojin Tuladhar1View
2 Feb 18Research and Development of a Wave Impact Simulation Device for the Idaho State University Component Flooding Evaluation LaboratoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownGregory D. Roberts1View
15 Feb 19Development of a Non-destructive Technique for the Restoration of Defaced Serial NumbersIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownIkwulono D. Unobe1View
10 Dec 19Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of aField-Cast Connection Composed of High-Early Strength Concrete with Polypropylene Fibers and Headed Bars for Bridge Prefabricated ElementsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownUtsa Rashique1View
18 Dec 19Mechanicaland BondTesting of Titanium Alloy Bars: Comparison withSteelIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownRuchin Khadka1View
21 May 20FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OFFIELD-CASTBRIDGECONNECTIONSIdaho State University Science & Engineering Civil & EnvironmentalUnknownUnknownNate Oldham1View
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