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15 Sep 15Judging Personal Values and Personality Traits: Accuracy and Its Relation to VisibilityIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJennifer McDonald1View
20 Apr 20Intermanual Transfer of Motor Skills using Action Observationin a Virtual Reality EnvironmentIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownNancy Devine1View
17 Dec 21Self-discrepancy as a transdiagnostic factor related to fear-and distress-based disordersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJabeene Bhimji1View
8 Dec 22Examining the Associations among Lifetime Interpersonal Trauma, Attachment, and Romantic Relationship ConflictIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownAliva R. Mozafari1View
8 May 20Whiteness in Higher Education: Using Autoethnography to Develop Critical Race Cognizant LeadershipIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownHallie K. Star1View
27 Apr 23Effects of Visual Cues on Conditioned Salivation and Food Reinforcer Efficacy inOverweight/Obese and Healthy-Weight WomenIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownMorgan Musque1View
21 May 20Understanding the relations among adverse childhood experiences (ACE), substance use, and reoffending among juvenile offendersIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownShelby Weber1View
8 May 20WCC Theory, Change Blindness,and Facial Processing in Adolescents Diagnosed with ASDIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKarolina Štětinová1View
26 Jun 20Expecting Well-being:Exploring the Expectation that Gratitude ElevatesWell-beingIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDouglas F. Cruthirds1View
21 May 20A Case Study of the Implementation of an Integrated Wellness Program in the Student Counseling Services of One Community CollegeIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDeborah K. Krajcir1View
21 May 20The Effect of Online Instructor Characteristics on Proxy Measures of Teaching EffectivenessIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownLynn S. Durtschi1View
11 May 20The Session-by-Session Association Between Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures and Outcomes in Outpatient PsychotherapyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownElizabeth A. Penix1View
8 May 20University Presidential Transitions:Importance of Leadership and Culture ChangeIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownKathryn Ludwig1View
27 Apr 23Meta-Prospective Memory Accuracy in Healthy Older Adults Compared to Older Adultswith Suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment (sMCI)Idaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownBecca N. Huber1View
28 Jul 20Examining Normativity of Personality Ratings and Executive Function as Mechanisms in the Relationship between Gratitude and Subjective Well-BeingIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownDouglas F. Cruthirds1View
8 Mar 21Sleep and suicidality: an examination of theoretical cognitive mechanismsIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownStephanie McManimen1View
5 Mar 21Processing Speed and Adolescent Operation Span PerformanceIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownJoshua R. Harrison1View
13 May 21Age is Related to Delay Discounting for Food and MoneyIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownYaeeun (Joy) Lee1View
16 Mar 21Sideline High-School Athlete Study: An Examination of the Predictability of Concussion from a Computerized Neuropsychological BatteryIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownBindal Makwana1View
16 Dec 20Sleep, Executive Functioning, and Behavioral Problems in School-Age ChildrenIdaho State University Arts & Letters PsychologyUnknownUnknownHeidi J. Higgins1View
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