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12 Dec 22The Appropriateness of Electron Accelerators as Applied to Space Reactors, A LEU Adaptation of the Kilowatt Reactor Using Stirling Technology (KRUSTY)Idaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKean Martinic1View
3 Aug 20PLUTONIUM-239 SYSTEMIC BIOKINETIC MODEL FOR RATSIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownRobert T. Etnire1View
18 Dec 19The Development of the Generalized Spallation ModelIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownChase M. Juneau1View
27 Apr 23Narrowing Pulse Widths Using Helium-3 at the Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT) – An Evaluation of the Helium-3 Negative Reactivity Injection (HENRI) SystemIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownCody C. Race1View
14 Sep 15Gamma Dose Rates and Potential Source Term From Tenorm at Molybdenum Ore Processing FacilityIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKishor Paudel1View
16 Dec 20Improvement in Transient Testing Reactor (TREAT): Application of Cloud Chamber, Simulation and Analytical Approach using Filtered Back Projection (FBP)Idaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownHarishchandra Aryal1View
19 Dec 19Investigation of the Airborne Release Fraction during Rapid Oxidation of Depleted Uranium MetalIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownPatrick B. Bragg1View
28 Jul 20Reliability Analysis of Transfer Coefficients of an Iodine Biokinetic Model Using Akaike Information CriterionIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownPamela B. Manglona1View
3 Aug 23An Analysis of Regulatory Guidelines for the Release of Patients Administered Therapeutic Doses of Radioactive IodineIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownAlyssa K. Sullivan1View
13 Sep 16A Study of the Potential Performance and Feasibility of a Hybrid-Fuel Open Cycle Gas Core Nuclear Thermal RocketIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownLucas Beveridge1View
13 Sep 16Investigation of Tritium Gaseous Effluent Release Interception by Snow Precipitation at Cook Nuclear Power PlantIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKent Fisher1View
28 Feb 24A Machine Learning Approach to Fuel Load Optimization in the Advanced Test ReactorIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrittany J. Grayson1View
6 Sep 18Cross-Calibration Measurements Using Back-to-Back Fission ChambersIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKevin Tsai1View
31 Jan 18SIMULATING EXPERIMENTAL BREEDER REACTOR II APPROACH-TO-CRITICALIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBilguun Byambadorj1View
29 Feb 24The design, fabrication, and verification of a solid urethane tissue substitute material to be used in a whole body BOMAB active calibration phantom for In-Vivo counting systems, utilizing gamma ray calibration phantom for In-Vivo counting systems, utilizing gamma rayIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMichael T. Strangfeld1View
8 Feb 18Study of Radon Exposure Due To Storage Of Fossil Vertebrate Specimens At The Idaho Museum of Natural HistoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrian J. Governale1View
9 Mar 15Evaluation of 90Sr Intravenously Injected Non-Human Primate Using ICRP 78 ModelIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownEric Krage1View
8 Feb 18DESIGN OF DEXTEROUS MULTI-FINGERED SINGLE ROBOTIC HAND FOR BIMANUAL TASKSIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownReza Movassagh Khaniki1View
16 Apr 20Kinematics of Robot-Human Upper Body Interaction in Virtual, Augmented and Real EnvironmentIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownOmid Heidari1View
27 Apr 23Object Detection, Localization and Navigation Strategy for Obstacle Avoidance Applied to Autonomous Wheelchair DrivingIdaho State University Science & Engineering Mechanical EngineeringUnknownUnknownNusrat Farheen1View
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