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Date Added+-Title+-Organization+-Min Coverage+-Max Coverage+-CreatorFiles+-Options
10 Dec 19Neutron-Neutron Correlations in thePhotofission of U-238Idaho State University Science & Engineering PhysicsUnknownUnknownJeffrey Burggraf1View
21 Sep 17A novel, compact and portable 2-LTD-Brick x-pinch radiation source: its development and radiation performanceIdaho State University Science & Engineering PhysicsUnknownUnknownRoman Shapovalov1View
18 Dec 19High-Precision PMT Gain Measurement With Subsequent Quartz Cerenkov DetectorCharacterizationIdaho State University Science & Engineering PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrady Lowe1View
13 Jun 16Detection and Identification of Fissionable Materials: A Study in Delayed NeutronsIdaho State University Science & Engineering PhysicsUnknownUnknownHeather Seipel1View
2008 - 2016 Informatics Research Institute (IRI)
Version | beta | 6 April 2016

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