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6 Sep 18High-Speed Velocity Measurement Instrumentation of Air-Driven Water Jet for a Wave Impact Simulation DeviceIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownSoumadipta Jash1View
6 Jul 18Neutron Beam Characterization at the Neutron Radiography Reactor at the Idaho National LaboratoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownSam H. Giegel1View
6 Sep 18A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Choked Flow through an OrificeIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownEliel Suarez1View
6 Sep 18The Structural Design, Simulation, and Analysis of a Wave Impact Simulation Device for the Component Flooding Evaluation LaboratoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownLarinda Nichols1View
6 Sep 18Categorization and Evaluation of Spray Patterns from Pipe LeaksIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownCody M. Muchmore1View
6 Jul 18Trace Element Analysis of Slag and Coal Materials Using Photon Activation AnalysisIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownNathaniel W. Gardner1View
2 Feb 18Development of an Interior Component Flooding Fragility Model and Design of Component Flooding Evaluation Laboratory Safety CircuitIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownSneha Suresh1View
2 Feb 18Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in the Homogenization of the EBR-II CoreIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownRyan Stewart1View
2 Feb 18Concrete Shielding of Spent Fuel Gamma Rays Using Importance-Weighted Monte Carlo CalculationsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownSeth A. Robison1View
6 Jul 18Cesium-137 Lake Sediment Depth Profiles and Inventories in Idaho’s Sawtooth WildernessIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBenjamin Bishop1View
22 Jun 18Using experiments designed to provide data to Validate High-Fidelity and Systems Analysis Numerical Models to enhance understanding of Integral System Experiment Behavior and the Adequacy of Analysis ToolsIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMaruf Anwarul1View
8 Feb 18Study of Radon Exposure Due To Storage Of Fossil Vertebrate Specimens At The Idaho Museum of Natural HistoryIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownBrian J. Governale1View
13 Jul 15The Role of Technologists in Computed Tomography Patient Dose OptimizationIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownThaddeus Morris1View
13 Jul 15Approach-To-Critical With the Idaho State University Sub-Critical-Assembly Using the Modified Source MethodIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownAndrew Layne1View
13 Jul 15Demonstrating That an Open Loop System Could be Implemented in a Fast ReactorIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMohamed Benzerga1View
14 Sep 15A Case Study of the NCRP 156 Wound Modeling of Embedded DU Fragments Using Data From Urine Uranium Concentrations of Wounded VeteransIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownMichael Walkingstick1View
14 Sep 15Gamma Dose Rates and Potential Source Term From Tenorm at Molybdenum Ore Processing FacilityIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKishor Paudel1View
14 Sep 15Analysis of the Integral Experiment "Measurement of Actinide Neutronic Transmutation Rates with Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (MANTRA)"Idaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownJyothier Nimmagadda1View
31 Mar 15Process Informed Safeguards Approach for a Pyroprocessing FacilityIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownTony Riley1View
10 Mar 15Optimization of the Thermal Treatment Process for the Removal of Carbon 14 from Irradiated Graphite for Waste Volume Reduction and Bulk Graphite RecycleIdaho State University Science & Engineering Nuclear Eng'g & Health PhysicsUnknownUnknownKatherine Nelson1View
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